Monday, August 15, 2005

Michael Brosnahan - Hit and Run Boating Killer Sadly Remains silent

It seems very unlikely that Michael Brosnahan's killer commited his or her boating hit and run without someone knowing about it. Any delay in coming forward will only make things harder on the family that lost their dad, husband, brother and son. It should also make it hard on the hit and run boater and his family assuming he has a conscience. If others have evidence about this tragic case they are not doing themselves or the hit and run boater a favor by remaining silent. It will only be a good thing if those with knowlege come forward and let this family have some peace. If you have information about this boating accident you should contact the Iowa DNR. Their number is published in posts on this site and in news articles about this case. Boaters in the surrounding areas should be diligent and report any strange markings or damage on boats or unusual behavior in respect to family or friends who may have been involved. One tragedy has occurred. A second is now looming over the family....they need to know why this happened and who did it..... Dwayne Clark

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