Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Bloglines - Not like it used to be

Bloglines user Lawboat (lawboat@comcast.net) has sent this item to you.

Maritime Compass
A review of current happenings in Maritime Studies, Maritime Compass includes information on Library and Museum events, Scholarly conferences or meetings, book reviews, news items, or just plain old interesting maritime facts.

Submissions are always welcome. Please send them along

Not like it used to be

By Kelly

Often people will call or write our library asking what it was like for their ancestors when they crossed the Atlantic. Our next question, of course, is "When exactly did they cross?, and as what type of passenger were they?" Crossing could vary from the harrowing experiences to leisurely cruises. What I am sure of is that they did not resemble the description of a transatlantic cruise on the Queen Mary 2 that I recently read about. Canyon Ranch style spas, lecture series, planatarium, restuarants and night clubs seem to be the highlights of ocean travel these days.

Rates have changed over time as well. Rooms aboard the QM2 start at $1400.00.

Call me silly, even old fashioned but I'd prefer crossing in the style of Sebastian Clover, youngest sailor to make the transatlantic crossing. Or even those two guys who rowed across. Can't remember their names right now but someone will remind me.

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