Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Bloglines - NARA transfers submarine blueprints to Wisconsin Maritime Museum

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NARA transfers submarine blueprints to Wisconsin Maritime Museum

By Kelly

The drawings for 28 World War II fleet submarines designed by Electric Boat in Groton, CT and built in Manitowoc, Wisconsin are now back in Manitowoc after years at the National Archives. Keith Kerr, an archives specialist for the Archives estimates the collection, which weighs more than 1,200 pounds, consists of nearly 3,000 items.

Bill Thiesen, curator at the Wisconsin Maritime Museum, envisions using a small percentage of the drawings for an exhibition. Pending processing which depends upon grants, the plans would be used for research, information, and preservation. A library archive housing the drawings will be off-limits, but the public can view prints if they've identified which ones they want to see.

Please refer to the full story at the sheboygan-press.com

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