Sunday, September 04, 2005

Bloglines - MLA Hurricane Katrina Message Boards

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Proctor in Admiralty
Maritime Law and Commerce in the 21st Century

MLA Hurricane Katrina Message Boards

By Marc Marling on Weblogs

In the wake of Hurricane Katrina, the Maritime Law Association of the United States (the "MLA")has set up two message boards on their website.  One is devoted to news of MLA members in affected areas and one with offers of assistance for those affected.   

If anyone knows how to repost the message board on this Blawg, please advise as I am happy to do  so.   If anyone wants to post information here regarding MLA members, offers of assistance or anything else of use to the maritime legal community dealing with this crisis, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Our thoughts and prayers go out to everyone coping with this tragedy.

- Marc

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